Thursday, December 6, 2012


  Before I write anything about "Sisters" I must wish my mom, Sharon, a very happy birthday!!! I love you!!!
  What can I say about sisters? Some people say you can't choose your relatives or you can't live with them & you can't live without them! Others go on and on about all the sentimental things between sisters. I myself can go on and on about my sister. However I prefer to babble about all the dorky things her & I have done. This post is dedicated to her, my sister!
  My sister, Sissy has never been the type to dress crazy, never wore much make-up & definitely was never one to punk out her hair. Now for myself that is a whole different ballgame. I was always willing to push the boundaries. You can say Sissy was a bit of a square. With that bit of info, I have one life long lingering question for you, Sis. What the heck possessed you to bleach your hair platinum blonde? 
  I am four years younger than Sissy and at times I wondered if I had experimented with more things than her. I was about 15yrs old & yes I was sneaking cigarettes. One night in my room my dear ol' Sis asked me to teach her how to smoke! What the hey? She was 19 & she didn't know how to smoke? When Bill Clinton said he couldn't inhale, I did not think he was full of nonsense cause I knew someone who couldn't inhale also. You got it, Sissy! I wasted a whole dang cig on her trying to inhale & she wanted another one to practice with. Oh heck no! I wasn't going to let her waste my cigs that I had sneak to buy, hide, & smoke! Thank goodness I didn't smoke cannabis at that time! I would had to cut her big permed hair off to sell as payment for wasting good smoke! 
  At 14 yrs old I taught her how to flatten tires by knife slashing. I need not say anymore on that!
  She did let me drink tequila sunrises at age 13! Shame on her!! She even would make me go with her on her dates. I think she just wanted me to lay on that cute lil sis personality for the guys!!
  Sis & I went on a double date when I was only 13! The two guys were cousins and I need not say anymore about them. Our brother Eddie had a date that same night with Sissy's guy's sister. That was an experience right out of a comedy. We decided that we weren't going to tell Eddie where we were going & vice versa. Sissy & I left for our date like 2 hours before Eddie but none of that mattered. While waiting for the drive-in movie to start, we heard a vehicle that sounded familiar. Low & behold it was that familiar vehicle that just pulled up next to us! That damn Eddie!
  Small town carnivals are very fun when a person is young! The carnies can be very interesting people when there is nothing else to entertain us small town people. I do admit that I introduced my Sis to a couple of the guys I befriended. Sis & I even went to another town to visit them. But I never thought my sister would ever allow these two guys to come to our house for an extended visit! Boy oh boy was our Dad ever so so mad at us!! Even sitting here today I am ashamed...ashamed my sister talked me into bringing them to our home!!
  There are so many other hair raising incidences my sister conned me into, too many to posts! But despite all that, I think the best thing I like to do with my Sis is watch her turn red hot and not from embarrassment either!!
  With all the stuff she has put me through, there is one last lingering question I have for her and I think she could do it. Sis, why won't you let me teach you how to smoke natural herb from a pipe????  


  We even take the ugliest quirkiest pics together!!


  1. Ha! Sarris it's an even better thing that I didn't catch you too. I only got in after the fact.... You turd!

    1. Catch me doing what? What & when did you get in after the fact? And if you think you know me tell me your name!
